The Best Dorm Room Renters Insurance For College Students

Poor Students Should STILL Consider Dorm Room Renters Insurance

The dorm lifestyle is an essential part of the on-campus college experience. Sharing your living space with others, communal bathrooms, and the sounds of someone plummeting from their bunk bed at 3AM all help you appreciate having your own space when you’re older.

But when you’re living in the dorms, you’ve got people going in and out of your room all the time. You might be having friends over, hosting parties, studying with classmates, even giving your family a tour of the shoe box you share with 1 or more fellow students.

It doesn’t take much for one of your guests to “walk out” with your laptop, a rowdy classmate to accidentally break your TV, or an even rowdier party-goer hurt themselves in your dorm room.

As a student, you aren’t exactly rich. Replacing that stolen laptop or damaged TV won’t be in the budget for you, let alone covering medical and legal costs for someone who hurt themselves.

But just like you can insure your car against accidents and insure your health against injury and disease, you can insure your possessions with renter’s insurance.

What Does Dorm Room Renter’s Insurance Cover?

Renter’s insurance is made up of 3 types of coverage:

A common misconception is that your landlord (or education institution if you live in the dorms) is responsible for damages to your property. In reality, they’re only responsible for damage to your apartment that wasn’t caused by you. For example, if your toilet floods through no fault of your own, that landlord is responsible.

But they aren’t responsible for the damage to your beautiful, soft bathroom rug because that’s your property.

This is mainly what renter’s insurance covers. In fact, some landlords require renters to get renter’s insurance.

Benefits and Costs of Renter’s Insurance

Renter’s insurance’s most obvious benefit is the protection of your property. Depending on your policy, potentially all your property could be covered if something happens to it.

And like we said earlier, having a policy grants you access to more potential apartments/houses to rent.

Other benefits include:

The best part? Renter’s insurance is insanely cheap. As of 2019, the average renter’s insurance monthly premium is about $16 per month. Dorm renter’s insurance might be a couple bucks more, but prices are generally comparable.

If you can’t afford renter’s insurance, cutting just one of your subscription services or even going out to eat once less per month will yield you plenty money to afford it. Learn to budget properly and you can easily fit this in.

The small premium will be worth it if your dorm ever floods (or something else)!

First, Check If You’re Covered Through Your Parents or Car Insurance Company

Before purchasing a renter’s insurance policy, check to see if you have any rental insurance coverage under one of your parents’ insurance policies or even under your car insurance policy.

College students who live at home are generally covered completely under their parent’s homeowner’s or renter’s insurance plan.

Students who live in the dorms usually qualify for some (but not full) form of renter’s insurance coverage, although nowhere near as comprehensive as a full-blown renter’s insurance policy.

One Small Problem

Insurance companies already consider college students risky, but living in the dorms makes them even more fearful for the reasons we illustrated earlier.

Thus, getting dorm room renter’s insurance is a bit more complex than if you lived in your own apartment. Not every company carries dorm-specific renter’s insurance.

That being said, here are some of the best dorm room renter’s insurance companies. Shop policies from these providers to find the best coverage at the lowest rate.

Top 3 Best Dorm Room Renters Insurance Companies


Navigating the insurance market for the first time is scary. There’re too much legalese to understand, forms to fill out, and simply filing a claim can be a headache and a half.

Lemonade aims to fix that with it’s ultra-simple approach to getting insurance. Like Prosper for personal loans, it operates on a P2P insurance model. This means that money is pooled together like normal, but there’s no incentive for a “provider” to keep the premiums that aren’t paid out as claims.

This eliminates the incentive to make it hard to file a claim and receive a payout; all they do is take 20% of your premiums to cover the costs of running Lemonade. However, if you do have unclaimed money on your plan, you can opt to have it donated to a charity of your choice.

Lemonade has plenty of other great features:

Lemonade might be the best choice for most college students who need a no-frills, budget-friendly insurance plan.


Allstate is an extremely popular insurance provider. They have dorm-specific renter’s insurance plans for college students.

Where Allstate shines is bundling renter’s insurance with auto insurance. If you’re bringing a car to the dorms, Allstate might be your company.

Rates start as low as $4 per month, and applying is easy: you can either fill out their intuitive online application or contact an Allstate agent by phone to set up your plan if you need help.

USAA Insurance

Are you or your parents current of former members of the armed forces? USAA has some amazing dorm room renter’s insurance rates for you.

But great rates for military members and veterans is only scratching the surface. USAA’s policies offer tons of benefits (including events not covered by other companies), such as

Important Things to Note About Dorm Room Renter’s Insurance

No matter what insurance company you go with, there are a few things to keep in mind when you’re shopping for dorm room renter’s insurance.

All in all, dorm room renter’s insurance is more of an investment than an expense.

Think about it: you might get sick of paying for car insurance, but those premiums pay off when you smash into a guard rail.

Likewise, your renter’s insurance premiums might seem like a nuisance until someone steals or breaks your stuff.

So if you care about your stuff yet don’t have the budget to replace it, get yourself some dorm room renter’s insurance. At $20 per month or less, it’s one of the highest-return “investments” you can make.