Best Places to Get Paid to Test Websites
Are you tired of visiting bad websites, complaining, then getting frustrated because those bad websites never improve?
No more having your voice go unheard. A growing demand for amazing websites has given birth to a market of website testers.
That’s right, you can get paid to test websites.
Now, testing websites alone won’t make you rich, but it requires next to nothing aside from following simple directions for pay; this makes it quite an easy side hustle. You’ll also be helping businesses grow by bettering their website, which is a cool bonus.
The great thing is you don’t have to reach out to businesses and pitch them on web testing services because endless sites dedicated to hiring regular people to test websites for their business clients.
Here’s our list of the best places to get paid to test websites.
1. UserTesting
UserTesting is by far a market leader in places that pay you to test websites. Rightfully so; they claim you can earn up to $60 per test!
Similar to some of the best survey apps, UserTesting tries to match you with websites more relevant to you based on information you provide them; this way, you can feel like you’re making a more direct impact on niches you care about.
To join UserTesting, you have to be at least 18 years old, be able to speak English, have a Mac or PC with an internet connection, and have a microphone.
Taking a test is easy. Just find a quiet place to take the test, follow the directions on screen, and speak your thoughts out loud into your microphone so businesses know what their customers are thinking.
Each test is about 20 minutes long; you’ll generally earn $10 per test, which equates to $30/hour! You’ll need a PayPal account to cash out these earnings.
Signing up is fast. Just give them your email and they’ll give you a sample test. Complete the sample test, wait for approval, then start testing when you’re approved.
2. Enroll
Forget being stuck with your computer – Enroll lets you complete tests from any device, whether that be your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
When you sign up, they actually ask you which device is your preferred device, further helping to match you with tasks more suited to your lifestyle and preferences.
Once your account is created, they’ll email relevant tests to you as they come in so you never have to visit your account and check.
Pay isn’t as predictable as some sites as their task offerings vary wildly. Some tests only take a minute, but only pay you maybe $0.50. Others are much longer and pay better rates on par with other places that pay you to test websites.
You need a PayPal account to get paid, so get one if you haven’t yet.
3. Userlytics
Userlytics has its fill of websites to test. However, if you’re tired of just improving websites, Userlytics also lets you test mobile apps and prototypes of website wireframes.
Aside from the lack of boredom, another benefit of this diversity is more potential tasks. When there aren’t any website testing tasks available to complete, you’ll most likely be able to fill you time with one of the other types of things you can test.
On top of that, you’re no longer just improving websites; now, you’re helping make apps and other new tech stuff better.
Payment’s pretty solid at $10 per task. Thanks to the diversity of tasks available, this can add up fast.
4. Respondent
Respondent is another place that pays you primarily for website testing but offers other tasks you can complete like surveys and focus groups. Not only can you get paid to improve the web, but you can help companies formulate better products and services.
Once you sign up, you can browse through respondents available jobs.
Job lengths and pay rates are all over the place; some are shorter and pay what you’d expect, while others could take up to an hour and pay out $100. Targeting the right jobs could really make a difference on your wallet.
Respondent takes 5% of your earnings before sending the other 95% to your PayPal. Small price to pay for these numerous, high-paying tasks.
Respondent has a referral program as well. They pay out $50 per referral on average, so top off your earnings by inviting some friends.
5. Validately
Validately will pay you to test websites either on your own or during a live session over the phone. Your feedback has more weight than you think; some of Validately’s customers include Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.
Validately’s signup requirements are essentially the same as UserTesting’s. They’ll then send you relevant tasks to complete via email.
Your earning potential on Validately is strong. Short, 5-minute tests generally pay $5. However, the live remote tasks can earn you $25 minimum for a 30-minute session. According to Validately, many of their longer remote sessions pay up to $100!
Validately pays you via PayPal within 7 business days of completing a task.
6. TestIO
Sick of pesky bugs and glitches on your favorite apps and website? TestIO wants to hire you to find these bugs so they can be squashed.
What’s cool about TestIO is that you’ll be one of the first to see new apps before they come out. Even cooler, however, is you’re helping to ensure these new apps (that you may end up using) are bug-free and easy to use!
Most of TestIO’s tasks pay per bug you find. You can earn up to $50 per bug depending on how seriously the bug compromises usability.
No worries if you’re met with a flawless app or website; TestIO will still pay you for rating your overall experience on the app or website.
When you sign up, they ask for demographic information, your skills, and your devices. Fill these out as completely as possible to maximize your available tasks. Then, they’ll send you a paid test task to kickstart your earnings on TestIO.
Once you’ve earned some cash, TestIO will pay you by PayPal or bank transfer. They also support some other payment processing applications.
7. Amazon Mechanical Turk
At this point, it’s safe to assume Amazon has a hand in every imaginable industry.
Paid website testing is no different, although Amazon’s paid website testing service has a weird name: Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Amazon Mechanical Turk was created as a crowdsourcing marketplace businesses could use to outsource important tasks they don’t have time for, like website testing. In essence, you become part of a “distributed” workforce when you use Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Website testing is only one task available on Amazon Mechanical Turk. They offer all sorts of tasks in the following categories:
- Image/video processing
- Date verification and cleanup
- Information gathering
- Data processing
Amazon Mechanical Turk doesn’t pay quite as well as other website testing companies.
However, it’s Amazon. Everyone knows Amazon. There’re enough tasks on there to keep you busy whenever you want to earn money testing websites.
8. Freelance Marketplaces
Yes, you can even find website testing jobs on freelancer sites. Freelance marketplace website testing jobs aren’t as numerous as website testing jobs from other sites, but you can find them if you look for them.
Now, don’t pay for any freelance marketplaces just to get these jobs. If you aren’t already using the platform for some reason, a paid subscription won’t be worth it due to the lower volume of website testing jobs on freelance marketplaces. Get a free account if you aren’t a regular freelancer in some other area.
That being said, if you’re a freelancer who already uses freelance marketplaces extensively, you could pick up a few website testing jobs to offset slow periods in your regular line of work.
Get Paid To Improve the Web
Businesses cannot survive in this day and age without a web presence. So much business is happening online that a business without a good website will stagnate at best and fail at worst.
Just having a website isn’t enough to compete in the modern business environment; customers won’t stay very long on a site bogged down by slow loading times, a complex interface, or even just an ugly design.
Thus, businesses must do everything they can to make their website as fast, responsive, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing as possible to maximize both new and returning customers.
And businesses have a lot of money to throw around when it comes to getting more customers.
Take advantage of this and sign up for one of these websites so you can get paid to help make the web a better place.
And to earn some cash, of course.